Does Your Organisation Possess the Capability to Continue Operating in the Aftermath of a Cyber Attack?
- Fail to plan means you plan to fail
- Don’t get caught wanting. Plan for cyber attack
- Will your organisation continue to operate in the event of a cyber attack?
In the aftermath of a cyber security attack, after conducting the mandatory forensic and legal requirements of evidence preservation and chain-of-custody, the organisations’ operations need to resume.
But where do you start?
You start from the pre-agreed point as outlined in your cyber security business continuity plan.
Well, that is assuming you had the plan in place in the first instance.
As humans, there is the tendency for us to assume that disaster only befalls our neighbours.
However, if the current list of cyber attack victims has any lesson for other institutions, it is that every single institution is vulnerable to cyber attack.
Forget Facebook or Google, no country on planet earth is more technologically advanced than Germany. Yet the German Chancellor and many top German officials were victims of cyber attack.
Even the Pentagon was hacked.
Therefore, if the US Defence Ministry that is supposed to have the most secured network in the world can be hacked, what chance do you have?
Listen to what our clients say about our service
There are cyber security contingencies that can be put in place to ensure that if and when your institution does get hacked, the impact is minimal.
Ironically, those same cyber security contingency measures can serve as strong countermeasures that could prevent your organisation from becoming victim of cyber crime.
We can help you develop your cyber security business continuity plan. Please call +44(0)20 8798 0579 now for help with developing your cyber security business continuity plan
Remember, you can’t fix the roof when the rain is pouring down.