My son described one of his classmates as dumb. when I asked why he thought that was the case.
His response was his friend spent his day playing video games.
For me it was an interesting answer because he spends his day arguing with me about evils of preventing him from playing video games.
But what was more interesting about his response was the fact that he knew the consequences of spending long time playing video games.
Even though he spent his day trying to convince me about the value of video game on his IQ.
Parents Do What’s Right For Their Kids
As parents, we have the responsibility of making the right decisions for our kids.
If your kid decided he did not feel like attending school for the day, as a parent, you do not tell him it’s OK.
You read him the riot act.
Boris Johnson Is Behaving Like an Irresponsible Parent
I wonder what would Mr. Johnson say if one of his kids decided they did not feel like attending school.
Would he tell them it’s OK?
Because that’s exactly what he is doing with the country.
As a leader, he was elected to make the right decision for the country.
To view cancelling Christmas as an inconvenience irrespective of the consequences is irresponsible.
Thousands of people died unnecessarily during the first wave because of his failure to lockdown sooner and procure PPE.
Thousands of people are going to die this time because of his indecision.
Mr. Johnson needs to put on his big boy pants and behave like the leader he is supposed to be and cancel Christmas.
Thousands of people are going to die in January and February because of his decision to loosen restrictions during Christmas.
If people do not know what is good for them, it’s up to the leader to do what is right for the people.
The BS about trusting the judgement of the people is simply avoiding difficult decision.
The Swedish government trusted the judgement of its people, we all know how that turned out.
As a leader, you get paid to think for your people.
Good leaders don’t outsource their thinking to their people.
If it was a parent is behaving in that manner, social services would be expected to take away their kids.
I wonder who will be taking the Brits away from Boris Johnson?
Mr. Trump?
I just wondered.
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