In my last article I wrote about the LGBTQ strategy of product placement.
Product placement for those who might be unfamiliar with the phrase is marketing strategy used by big brands to place subtle adverts in movies.
For example, an actor might be drinking coca cola in a film.
The actor is not drinking coke in a film because it is his favourite beverage.
It’s because coca cola is paying for its brand to be associated with the movie.
The LGBTQ community being aware of the effectiveness of this form of advertising has chosen to sponsor films with LGBTQ themes.
Not only do they sponsor those films, they place massive marketing budgets behind those films to ensure they win the most prestigious prizes in the film industry.
Apple Product Placement Condition

One of Apple’s product placement condition is the bad guy should never be seen using any Apple product.
You might be thinking, why does that matter?
It matters a lot.
Apple does not want its product associated with any form of negativity.
Seeing a bad guy with an iPhone makes an automatic association with negative stuff.
Apple became the first trillion dollar company.
A business does not become a trillion dollar company by chance.
Apple have a lot of brilliant marketing people who understand the power of negative associated with their brand.
The Black Brand

Denzel Washington won the Oscars for playing a crooked cop engaged in all sorts of shady deals.
Eddie Murphy’s 48 Hours and Beverly Hills cops showed a picture of cops willing to bend the law to extract confession from suspects.
The popular movie “Bad Boys” featuring Will Smith and Martin Laurence showed the worst form of Police brutality.
There are a few very important points that need to be made about the above examples.
First, blacks cannot complain about Police brutality while black actors readily play those roles in films.
Second, by playing crooked cop or drug dealer, black actors are reinforcing the very stereo type they are marching against.
We cannot have our cake and eat it.
Black actors cannot be playing roles that reinforce the very stereotype they rail against on the most popular medium and then turn around and complain about being stigmatized.
Blacks Need to Control Their Own Narratives

What are Jews known for?
For being smart and super rich.
What are Indians known for?
For being brainy scientists and software engineers.
What are black know for?
I let you answer that question for yourself.
Remember Barack Obama is black…
Opera is black…
Mohammed Ali was black…
Why aren’t blacks automatically associated with our successful people?
Answer: we do not control our own narrative.
And it all stems from the images constantly beamed on our television screen.
How Can the Black Race be Rebranded?

For a start, black actors need to stop playing roles that portray us as criminals and drug kingpins.
We should stop contributing to charities that use black images as their mascot of poverty.
There are very rich and powerful black people, we need more of those types of black on our television screens.
The Italians are still struggling to shed the mafia image, even though they produce vito Ferrari and host The Pope.
So, it might appear it will be impossible shed the image of criminals and drug kingpins.
But it can be done.
Remember, Jews are no longer solely associated with the holocaust.
Jews are perceived as rich and smart.
We have a chance.
But the first step in the process is to stop reinforcing the negative image not even for twenty million a film.
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