Since President Trump took office, he has ripped apart the rule book on good governance and wrote his own rule book.
He fired the FBI director and Attorney General for failing to comply with his demand to end the Russian investigation, fired experienced security operatives and Directory Generals who opposed his policies.
Pardoned or commuted the sentence of his crooked friends, including Mr. Roger Stone.
We witnessed similar brazen disregard for the rule of law when our own Prime Minister failed to act against his advisers’ gross violation of government policy. Despite the fact his decision places the country at risk.
Mr. Trump and Mr. Johnson understand the perks of high office, so they make full use of the privilege.
Mr. Obama on the other hand, missed the opportunity to dismantle the infrastructure responsible for the death and incarceration of thousands of our brothers and sisters.
More black men were killed during President Obama’s presidency than any other time in US history.
In President Obama’s defence, many black people like to say he did not have the power to change the system.
He did but he chose not to.
The brother chose comfort over confrontation.
I am not beating on the brother.
I like President Obama, but the fact is the fact.
He squandered a once in a life time opportunity.
It’s easy for him to criticise President Trump from the sidelines.
But he had the opportunity and chose not to make the difficult decisions.
Am I suggesting President Obama should have showed blatant disregard for the rule of law like Mr. Trump?
I am not suggesting anything.
All I am saying is, President Obama, had the power to make the necessary changes that would have saved George Floyd.
He made the conscious decision not to.
The Obama Phenomenon Constantly at Play

The Obama scenario is constantly at play in situation after situation in country after country all around the West.
Blacks get into position of power, instead of using the power to improve the living conditions of their fellow blacks, they focus on they and their families.
Minneapolis Police Chief is black. It’s one of his officers who murdered George.
What did he do to prevent the murder?
Are we saying he is powerless?
He is the Chief of Police.
He chose comfort over confrontation.
There is constant complain amongst black people about the unfairness of the US justice system.
Yet, there are thousands of black lawyers and judges in the United States who are part and parcel of that system.
What are they doing to reform the system?
Worse than being bludgeoned to death by a white police officer, the worst nightmare of a inner city black youth is being hauled before a black judge.
Rather than looking at the kid and seeing his son, the average black judge sees a stain on our race.
And he shows his contempt for the youth by doling out the harshest punishment possible.
Thousands of black prosecutors use the suffering of their people to further their careers.
Black defence lawyers who cannot be bothered to mount thorough defence of their black clients advise them to plead guilty knowing full well the consequences on the individual for the rest of their lives.
The Field Slave And House Slave Phenomenon

There is the disturbing house slave and field phenomenon that still plagues the black community.
Blacks in privilege position treat less privileged blacks with contempt.
They view struggling blacks especially struggling black youths as responsible for their lack of progress.
They don’t look at disadvantaged blacks and see one of their own.
They look at their own brothers and sisters and see the scum of society.
If middle class blacks think their middle class status is going to insulate them from the traumas of being black in a white society, they are dreaming.
Remember the scene in the film ‘Crash’ when a middle class black woman was violated by a white Police officer right before the eyes of her middle class husband?
That scene is constantly at play in the lives of millions of middle class black families all over the West.
Remember President Trump asking President Obama to produce his birth certificate?
Has a white US president ever been asked to produce his birth certificate?
Black people in position of power need to realise until they stop making excuses of being powerless and start utilising their influence for the improvement of their people, we will continue to witness barbaric murders of us on our television screens.
Until the day blacks understand we are stronger together, we will continue to experience the pain associated with the George Floyds of this world.
It takes teamwork to make the dream work brothers and sisters.
President Trump Second Term

Presidents usually wait for their second term to take the actions President Trump is already taking.
Imagine what would happen if he is elected for a second term.
He would probably transfer all
America’s gold reserve to Melania’s bank account…
Change the name of the White House to Baron House…
Make Don junior head of the US Army…
And change the US flag to Ivanka favourite colour.
And I am making fun of him.
Joke aside, forget the talk about separation of powers.
As President Trump has demonstrated, the president of the United States has enormous powers.
President Obama should have used those powers to improve the lot of black Americans, but he chose not to.
There is a lesson here for black in position of power.
Use your power to improve the lives of our people.
And don’t you ever make the excuse of being powerless.
We have a choice, choose comfort or confrontation.
We cannot bring about change by avoiding confrontation.
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