I truly believe Mr. Trump is going to win the US election.
I can see 2016 repeating itself.
Most of us consuming CNN and other liberal media are being led to believe Mr. Biden is headed for victory.
Don’t be fooled people.
Mr. Trump is going to have the victory dance come election day.
Why Do I Believe That?

First, Mr. Trump is the worst president in the history of presidents.
The US economy is tanking.
The country is in the middle of a pandemic that has killed almost two hundred thousand of his countrymen due to his incompetence.
Yet, he is polling at forty percent.
Second, Mr. Trump’s henchman in the post office is going to ensure postal votes are delayed, no matter what the democrats say.
Third, come election day, while many democrats are going to stay home for fear of the virus, Mr. Trump’s supporters will troop to polling stations.
Fourth, the democrat message is just not cutting through, because all they do is respond to Mr. Trump’s antics instead of set the agenda.
How Can Mr. Biden Seize the Initiative?

First, simplify his messaging.
Second, send Kamala out more and more especially to African-American and Latino communities.
Third, talking of Latinos, openly pledge to make a Latino the foreign minister if he wins and give Latinos prominent positions in his campaign.
Fourth, tell his personal story over and over and encourage Kamala to tell her story as well.
Finally, come up with a clear policy about something that affect people’s lives.
No, not coronavirus.
Only CNN cares about coronavirus.
The majority of people are living their lives.
I get the link he is trying to make between coronavirus and the economy.
Let me tell you a secret Mr. Biden, it too complicated for ordinary folks to comprehend.
The reason Mr. Trump is polling at forty percent even though he is the worst president in history is, he simplifies his message.
You will be well advised to take a leaf from his book.
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