Stating that your network will sooner or later be compromised might be considered scaremongering.
However, as Mr. Grove stated in his book, ‘Only the Paranoid Survive,’
To wish that you will not be hacked is at most naive.
Every organisation that is of any value has either already being hacked, is currently being hacked or is about to be hacked.
Therefore, to minimise the impact of hacking on your organisation, the first thing you need to do is to be paranoid.
Second, you need to install series of countermeasures that will make your network difficult to hack.
The harder you make it for hackers to hack your network, the less attractive it becomes to them.
There are series of countermeasures I could recommend in this article.
At the risk of not overwhelming you, I will focus on penetration testing.
Penetration testing allows organisations like yours to look for vulnerabilities in your system before hackers find them.
There are vulnerabilities in every network.
Preventing those vulnerabilities from being exploited by hackers requires first and foremost that those vulnerabilities are identified.
Once they are identified, adequate countermeasures can be put in place to prevent them from being exploited.
Penetration testing is the most effective way of preventing your network from being hacked.
Being in the position to identify vulnerabilities and patching them before hackers identify them is an effective way of thwarting hackers.
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