Even though a lot of people have managed to scale Everest as compared to decades ago, a significant percentage of people still fail in their attempt to scale the mountain.
Why is that the case?
It’s because they do not respect the mountain.
In this fast food, 140 characters and skimming age, individuals have lost the grit.
The prevailing wisdom is that everything needs to be simple, easy and convenient.
The desire for simple, easy and convenient has removed the x-factor that made us the greatest generation in history.
Decades ago, being a man meant being tough and rugged.
These days men are expected to be feminists.
Those are the changes in perception that are making us lose our grit.
Don’t Wish it was Easy
Someone wants to climb the tallest mountain in the world.
Instead of putting in the time to prepare, they do the minimal amount of preparation they can get away with and hope for the best.
In a way, this is the story of the 21st century.
People keep trying to solve complex problems with simple solutions.
Whether it has to do with Brexit, the rise of the far right in the West or the inability to find a cure for cancer, it boils down to the fact that people want results without putting in the work.
In a way it’s good news for you, if you are someone who is willing to put in the hours and read the books
In the sea of skimmers, the reward belongs to those who take the time to read the book in full.
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