Dr. Clayton Christensen once said when his kids visit and he ask them to recall lessons they taught them, most of the times they do not remember.
Based upon that experience, he reached the conclusion that it’s good to teach kids good habits.
But the most effective way of teaching kids is through our actions.
Because they are watching you.
Lessons for Boris Johnson
London recently released the advice given by their own scientist in which the scientist advised a full lockdown for a few weeks in September.
They rejected the advice and opted for a more palatable version.
Now they have the audacity to complain about Manchester and other local areas refusing to take their advice.
They refused the advice that is based upon science.
Why do they think others are going to listen to advice based upon Dominic Cummings’ opinion?
It’s like trying to convert someone into a religion you do not believe in.
London harbours the opinion that the scientists are full of sh***t.
So, they don’t listen to them.
Yet, when it suits them, they invoke the name of the very scientists they think are full of sh**t.
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