Berkshire Hathaway, the parent company of Warren Buffet investment conglomerate, holds at least 20 billion dollars cash reserve in its bank account all of the times.
When Warren Buffet was asked why is Berkshire Hathaway an investment company keeping 20 billion in the bank instead of investing it, he responded that he did not want to rely on the kindness of strangers.
In the investment business, the difference between striking a great deal and losing one is liquidity.
Therefore, the more liquid an investment firm is, the more profitable it will be.
How Does Penetration Testing Compare?
So, what does Mr. Buffet’s answer mean for organisations considering penetration testing?
It means organisation considering penetration testing need to give the issue serious consideration.
Penetration testing is like having a cash reserve.
A cyber attack could strike any organisation at any time.
The better prepared an organisation is for cyber attack, the less impact the attack would have on the organisation.
The most effective way of preparing for cyber attack is to engage in penetration testing.
Penetration testing allows organisations to test the ability of their cyber security defense mechanism to withstand a cyber attack.
Using penetration testing, an organisation can simulate cyber attack and see how effectively its defenses can stand up to them.
So, don’t wait until there is cyber attack on your organisation before reacting.
Take proactive action by conducting periodic penetration testing.
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