During the UK general election, I predicted the Conservatives were going to blow the other parties away.
My friends thought I was a secret Conservative who was ashamed to admit it.
I am not a conservative.
But I understand marketing.
The Conservatives had a simple clear message: ‘Get Brexit Done’.
As a marketing message goes, it could not have been clearer.
The American Analogy
The contrast in messaging between the Democrats and the Republicans cannot be clearer.
While the Republicans have a simple clear marketing message, the Democratic have a convoluted message that requires a PhD to understand.
‘A battle for the soul of the nation’.
What the hell does that means?
“Promise Made, Promise Kept’, is so clear, who wouldn’t understand that?
Listen to President Trump’s speech, his message was clear and focused.
Mr. Biden speech on the other hand sounded like one of the speeches given by Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez at the UN General Assembly.
He covered everything there was to be covered: institutional racism, climate change, Coronavirus and he even managed a line about US independence.
The Republicans did not even mention coronavirus, Mrs. Trump and Vice President Pence briefly glossed over it.
When President Trump mentioned the virus, all he said was the vaccine will soon be ready.
Back to The British Analogy
A few days before the Labour Party agreed to back the general election, I remember listening to an interview with a prominent British journalist who is an ardent Labour supporter.
During the interview, he urged the Labour leadership to back the call for a general election.
After the interview, I thought to myself, this guy is amongst those forcing the hands of the Labour leader into backing an election in which he is certainly going to be killed.
The US Media Repeating Mistake
I was watching CNN this morning and they are doing exactly what that journalist did.
They were twisting reality to fit their narratives.
The reality is this: The Republican convention was far more effective at meeting its objective than The Democratic convention.
The Democrats are trying to appeal to everyone, as a result they are appealing to no one.
The mainstreamed media is missing this very crucial point.
So, they are leading the Democrats down the wrong path.
The Democrats need to narrow their message….
Narrow their focus…
And for Christ sake, don’t try appealing to everyone.
My World is Your World
Author Neil Ferguson said during the British Referendum, he visited a small town in the UK.
In a conversation with a pub owner, he asked him if he was going to vote ‘remain or leave’.
The pub owner asked him if he knew which beer was the fastest selling beer in his pub.
Neil replied that he did not know.
The pub owner told him, the Polish beer.
Then he pointed to a group of Eastern Europeans drinking in his pub and said ‘we are paying them a lot of money, that’s the reason they can afford to buy beer.
And it was because of that, he was going to vote leave.
Neil was perplexed.
In his mind, the pub owner should be happy to vote ‘remain’ because his best customers were Eastern Europeans, instead he was voting ‘leave’.
When he returned to London, he told the government, they needed to change their messaging because their messaging was not cutting through.
They did not listen, so, they lost the referendum.
Professionals like Journalist who operate in major cities have a distorted view of reality in the country.
Because they report about coronavirus on a daily basis, they tend to believe everyone is focused on coronavirus.
Mr. Biden needs to leave his bunker and walk around the real America then he will understand reality.
Most people perception of coronavirus is, it can happen to someone else.
So, to use coronavirus as a campaign theme, the Democrats are setting themselves up for defeat.
Lesson for the Democrats
Yesterday I listened to Kamala Harris argued a long winded case for why Donald Trump is a bad president.
It was a brilliant bullshit.
How many Americans does she think understand the complicated case she made?
I told a Labour campaigner during the UK election campaign, if I were writing a Labour marketing campaign, instead of a leaflet with a photo of their leader, I will have a photo of Jo Johnson with a caption ‘even his own brother doesn’t trust him’.
Instead of attempting to solve all of the US problems in a single election, the Democrats need to choose a single problem and hammer it home.
Forget Covid-19, only CNN and the WHO care about it.
Forget the economy the Democrats cannot win the Republicans on the economy.
Forget climate change that’s for teenagers who can’t vote.
Forget institutional racism, it’s not a vote winner.
Find something else people care about.
But for Christ sake, forget that stuff about battle for the soul of America.
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